Press Information Department Vacancies under Ministry of Information And Broadcasting , Government of Pakistan
Assistant Jobs
Stenotypist Jobs
UDC Jobs
LDC Jobs
Driver Jobs
Naib Qasid jobs
Chowkidar Jobs
Sanitary Workers Jobs
Senior Clerk Jobs
Junior Clerk Jobs
Store Clerk Keeper Jobs
Foot Constable Jobs
Mechanic Jobs
Constable Security Jobs
Naib Qasid Jobs
Rozee pk Jobs in Islamabad
Information Technology Press Information Department has announced these vacancies are for all Pakistanis both men and women can apply these jobs are assistant jobs which are number of two this is for Punjab vs. and for that education is graduate of JOBS IS ONE FOR PUNJAB AND DEFINITION IS INTERMEDIATE JUNIOR CLERK JOBS IS NUMBER ONE IS FOR PUNJAB AND EDUCATION MATRIC AND COMPUTER TYPING SPEED IS UPPER DIVISION CLERK UDC SENIOR CLERK. The education is intermediate and there are two of them. This is for Punjab and Sindh. The driver job is four. There are two of them. For them, education is required to be primary pass and driver's license must be valid. Hi, the basic scale is one, their number is nine, they are up for Islamabad, they are one for minority and one for disability jobs.
Rozee pk jobs in KPK
Information Technology Press Information Department has announced separate jobs for KP Province for which Stenotypist basic skill is 14 and there are 8 of them seven are open on merit and one is for female. For education intermediate and short head ana is necessary senior color whose basic scale is 13 total number is two both of them are for KP for that it is necessary to have training course in intermediate and IT junior clerk jobs whose basic Scale 11 is one job for him basic education is matriculation and knowledge of pigeon senior colorer has two jobs and his education is intermediate both of them are for KP store clerk keeper scale nine jobs are 25 These are for KP and his education is intermediate food constable basic scale is seven their number is 91 and his education is matric driver scale four jobs are 8 these are for peshawar kohat and mardan have primary pass and driving license it should be NAB messenger basic scale is one and their number is 12 these are jobs for peshawar men chitral dera ismail khan and their education is primary pass there are 12 jobs of watchman peshawar mardan haripur Der Chitral is for Kohat and Dera Ismail Khan and his education is Primary Pass.
Rozee pk jobs in Balochistan
PID job is also for Balochistan PID jobs are announced for Balochistan by Punjab Junior Clerk Scale 11 Jobs in Press Information Department. This is one for Balochistan and its education is Matric pass and Knowledge is driver scale for PID Balochistan there are four jobs their number is one driver is one for Quetta driver must have primary pass and license driver PID job snap messenger number is one SCORE AGE These two are for QUETTA AND PRIMARY PASS IS EDUCATION FOR CAUCHIDARD JOB SCALE IS ONE NUMBER OF CAUCHIDARD JOB IS TWO EDUCATION FOR CAUCHIDARD JOB IS PRIMARY PASS .