Government Collge University, Lahore and University of Sargodha Jobs
Government Collge University, Lahore
Empowering our youth for tomorrow's leadership
Aplicaticns ac imvitod from suiuahle candidates for the following postions
sotoach Uindergaduate and Pos Graduate levd snudents.
A Higher Salary
Ebility Ph.D/ Riod
College /Univensity Faculty
Eligibility MS MPhl in he relevant
Acoounting & Finance
Applications of lnformation
Technology Devclopment
Eligiility: PhD/Retired College/Univensity Faculty
Elipibility: MS M Phil in the relevant subjact.
Subject / Discipline Artificial Intclligonce.
vancod Financial Accouting Fnance
Business Communication • Marketing
Labortory Technology University Faculty
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Government Collge University, Lahore and University of Sargodha Jobs |
University of Sargodha Jobs
Applications for the following posts on visiting basis are invited from Pakistani Nationals on the prescribed form which can be downloaded from University
website i.e
Department of Zoology Institute of Education
Department of Politics & International Relations
Department of Psychology
Department of Biotechnology
Department of Botany
Institute of Chemistry
Department of Earth Sciences
Department of Mathematics
Department of Statistics
Department of Computer Science
of Sofware Enine
Department of Economics
Department of History & Pakistan Studies
Department of Social Work
Dcpartment of Sports Sciences
Associate Professsor
• Closing date for submission of applications is 16.08.2024.
University of Sareodheumt their applications
Historv/Pakistan Studics/Ideology& Constitution of
Pakistan Studies/ldeology & Constitution of
History/Pakistan Studics/ldeology & Constitution o
Administration (Finance, Marketing, Management)
Busincss Administration (Finance, Marketing, Management)
Business Administration (Finance, Marketing, Management)
• Two most recent passport size photographs should be affixed on cach application.
Eligibility conditions for appointment of faculty in All disciplines
excluding Law and Arts & Design (Studio Practice) disciplines in all HEIs/DAIS
Fhae &Technology
Human Nutrition & Dietetics/Food& Nutrition
Home Economics
Ph.D in the levant ficld from an HEC recognized University/institution.
he applicant must have 15 rescarch publications with at least S publications in the last 5 ycars in HEC recognized journals.
Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
Radiography & Imaging Technology (RI)
Doetor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
Radiography & Imaging Technology (RIT)
10-ycars post-Ph.D. teaching/research expericnce in a recognized University or a post-graduate Institution or professional expericnce in the relevant field in a
Minimum Number of Publisations
a, PhD in the relevant field from HEC rocognized University/ Institution
Eligibility Conditions for
10-ycars teaching/rescarch experience in an HEC recognized University or a postgraduate Institution or professional experience in the relevant field in a
S-ycars post-PhD teaching' researech experience in an HEC recognizcd University or a post-graduate Institution or profeasional experience in the relevant field in
MinmuumtHAelications (ith at least 4 publications in the last 5 years in the HEC recognized Journals.
Fint Clas MSM Philequivalent degee awarded after 8 Years of cducation in the relevant
field from an HEC recognized Universiy/lnstitution with no 3
Firt professional degrce (4 Years minimum, First Division) from HEC recognized University/Institution with no third division in the academic carecr
Minimum Number of Publisations
Eligibility Conditions for appointment of faculty in all law discplines in all HEIs/DAIs
LLB degree from an HEC recognized University/Institution having S years standing as an Advocate of the Supreme Court
LIB degree from an HEC recognized University/Institution having 10 years standing as an Advocate of High Court
For Department of Allied Health Sclences, preference wil be given to those who have basle degree in DPT/RITIMLT
Hiring of Visiting Faculty, Department of Alied Health Seiences will be for Academie Year 2025-26.
. 4-ycars tcaching' research experience in an HEC recognizcd University or a Post- graduate lnstitution or professional expericnce in the relevant field in a
6-ycars teaching /research experience in an HEC recognized University or a Post- graduate Institution or professional cxperience in the relevant field in a
Minimum Number of Publications
iersity of Sareodh website:
. Candidates for all positions are required to fil the application form and submit along with complete C.V and attested copies of testinmonials.
utrearded ater ear o educatin in the relevant ielrom HIEC recognized tniversityinstitution
year). However, same may be discontinued at any time on the recommendations of concerned Chairperson.
Applications must be aceompanicd with original bank deposit slip University
Candidatcs alrcady in service of a GovenmenuSemi-Govemment Department or an Autonomous Body must apply through proper channel by closing date: otherwise
their appeatons sha
date swill not he entertained: even posted before the closing date
• Incomplete applications shall also not be entertained.
In case any information provided by the candidate in his/her application form is found to be incorrect or falsc at any stage, he/she will bc disqualificd and action will be
This hiring would be for initially for one semester and may be continued subject to performance and requirement for next semester (maximum one academic
. The University reserves the right to increase or decrease the post() aceording to the necd of the departments and reserves the rights not to fillwithdraw any
postwthhold the appoin
the Heads of respective Departments/Principal of Constituent Colleges/Director of Institutes/School,
ing/rescarch cxperience in HEC recognized University or a post-graduate Institution or professional experience in the relevant field in a National
for appointment of faculty in Arts & Design (Studio Practice) disciplines. in all HEIS/DAIS
Awarding Institutions provided that the candidate holds a higher degree viz PhD or equivalent degree with not more than one 3 division in entire academie
Challan Form of RS. 3000/- in ease of Profesor & Associate Professor, Rs, 2000/- in case of
Assistant Professor and Rs. 1s00/- in case of Lecturer, as processing fce (non-refundable) to be depositod under Hcad of Account "Collcction" in HBL AC No.
ointment against any advertised post without assigning any reason.
made strictly in accordance with the University of Sargodha SOPs/Regulations of Part-Time Extra teaching, approved and amended from time to
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Government Collge University, Lahore and University of Sargodha Jobs |