Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology and National Institute of Heart Diseases Rawalpindi Jobs

Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology and National Institute of Heart Diseases Rawalpindi vacancies 2024 

Last date 25 march 2024
Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology and National Institute of Heart Diseases Rawalpindi Jobs in Rawalpindi and Mid Forces Cardiology has been announced Latest Jobs in National Institute of Heart Pindi Jobs Armed Forces and Institute of Cardiology And National Institute Rawalpindi in All Pakistan  People with national tree are welcome to apply this is an army run hospital which treats heart patients its main branch is army jobs in rawalpindi it has civil intention these are army hospital jobs and  forces  Institute of Cardiology and National Institute of Heart Diseases Rawalpindi jobs are available male and female from all over Pakistan who are eligible can apply for this jobs are for Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, FATA, North Area, Azad Kashmir in these jobs are technical non  Technical Nursing and Clerical are included. These jobs are for all over Pakistan. It is from Scale No. 10 to Scale No. 1.
Detail Jobs:
Among these jobs are Jobs, AC And Regeneration Technician Scale 10 Jobs Qualification is Matric, Mechanical Technician Skill 10 jobs are Matric with Sense and Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, Medical Gas Technician Jobs, their scale is 10, Matric Education and  Associate's Diploma Dispenser Ninth Jobs with Matric Science Dispensary Course Theater Technician Scale Ninth Jobs Matric along with Diploma in Theater Technician Matric Science Diploma in Anesthesia Medical Transcriptionist Scale Ninth  Jobs are Intermediate His Education is Rating Grammar Memory and Documentation and Computer Skill Must be Nuclear Cardiac Technician with Matric Cells and one year Diploma in Cardiac Nuclear CSSD Technician Skill Nine Jobs are with Matric Cells  and one year Diploma in CSSD Technician Honium Glass Fit Technician Scale Nine jobs are Matric with it and one year Diploma in Aluminum Technology Radiography Technician Scale Nine Jobs are Matric Science with Radiodialo  I have diploma in ultrasound technician skr nine jobs are matric along with one year diploma in ultrasound course laboratory technician with matric science one year course in liberties hematology and three years experience as laboratory assistant EC  G Technician Matric and Certificate in ECG Technician and these are the jobs of scale 9.

Nursing Assistant Jobs

Nursing Assistant holter Test Jobs are Scale 7 Jobs with Matric Science and Diploma in Nursing Account Clerk Jobs are Scale 7 Matric and Computer Knowledge High Skilled One Technical Biome Medical Scale 7 Jobs are Matric and in Biomedical  Skilled High Second Technical Biomedical Scale Six Jobs Matric Diploma Associate Engineer Certificate Electro Medical Mechanical Technician and one year experience Dresser Scale Six Jobs Matric Science and one year experience Lift Operator Scale  Six Jobs are Middle and Relevant Skilled Repeated Special Service Scale Five Jobs are Primary and Skilled Plumber Skier Five Jobs are Primary and Skilled Tube Well Operator Primary and Skilled Driver General Duty Primary HTV  Have LTV Lawson Tailor Primary and Skilled Cook Skill Two Jobs Primary and Skilled Washer Man Skilled man Two Jobs Primary Education Financial Scale One Jobs Written and Skilled All Scales Same  Jobs is well written and skilled.

Government Forces and Institute of Cardiology and National Institute of Heart Rawalpindi has announced  Vacancies:
  1.  AC and Refrigeration Technician Jobs
  2. Mechanical Technician
  3. Medical Gases Technician
  4. Dispenser Jobs
  5. Theater Technician
  6. Anesthesia Technician
  7. Medical  Transcriptionist
  8. Nuclear Cardiology Technician Jobs
  9. CSSD Technician
  10.  Aluminum Glass Fetter Technician
  11. Radiography Technician
  12. Ultrasound Technician
  13. Laboratory Technician
  14. ECG Technician
  15. Nursing Assistant
  16. Nursing Assistant holter test Jobs
  17. Account Clerk
  18. Skilled Second One Technical Biomedical
  19. Skilled Second Technician Biomedical
  20. Dresser
  21. Lift Operator
  22. Barber Special Services
  23. Plumber Jobs
  24. Tube Well Operator Jobs
  25. Driver General Duty Jobs
  26. Taylor Jobs 
  27. Cook Jobs
  28. Washerman Jobs
  29. Mali Jobs
  30. Sweeper Jobs.
According to advertisement it will be five years of age. Army retired person can apply up to 45 years. Candidates who are citizens of Pakistan can apply for it. Existing government employees in their departments.  Applications must be received within 15 days in any case, no action will be taken on incomplete applications and on applications giving wrong information.  Copy of Educational Document Bank Draft Postal Order CNIC and Two Passport Size Photographs and Domicile Attached from Guest Officers Officer along with application Age Qualification and Experience will not be considered after closing date Experience in hospital preferred  Women Handicapped and Minority Quota will be as per Govt Rules. Candidates who are interested in it will send separate application for each application for their multiple applications. Call Message Test and Interview will be sent after scrutiny of applications for Test Control.  No TADA will be given to the persons applying for this job from Deputy Director Second Administration and Sports Hard Forces Institute of Cardiology and National Institute of Heart Disease AFIC ADNIHD Rawalpindi.  Advertised Rozee PK Jobs Up in Harmat Forces Institute of Cardiology provides complete information about the upscape Rozee PK Jobs Up in National Institute of Heart Radiology provides all the detailed skills age and quota information available.
Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology and National Institute of Heart Diseases Rawalpindi Jobs

Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology and National Institute of Heart Diseases Rawalpindi Jobs

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